Online Banquet, Dues & Scholarship Donation Payment

You can make & pay for your Annual Dinner Banquet Reservations,
Pay your Annual Alumni Dues and Make a Scholarship Donation online,
paying via credit card through PayPal using the appropriate selections below.

No PayPal account is required for payment via Credit Card

The cost for the 2024 Banquet is $25 per attendee. Please click the link below to make a payment. After the payment is made, please fill out the form below to make sure the payment is credited to the correct alumni account.

————–>   Click here to pay with Paypal or via Credit Card <—————


Online Dues & Scholarship Payment
You have now completed an online payment to the Camden Alumni Association.
To assure we credit this payment properly, please complete the following information:
Payments Were Made For: *
Please complete the following that apply to your payment: