Scholarship Fund Criteria
Purpose of the Alumni Association Scholarships:
The Camden Alumni Association By Laws include the objective to provide scholarship award) to deserving students of the current graduating class of Camden Central School.
Scholarship Selection Criteria
The student applicant must:
- Have a mother, father, step parent, or legal guardian who was a graduate of Camden High School or Camden Central School
- Be a graduating senior
- Be accepted at any two or four year accredited college
- Apply for such scholarship through the Guidance Department of the High School
- Submit a complete and accurate application to the guidance office by the date specified on the application form.
The Association Scholarship Awards Committee shall:
- Not discriminate between applicants on the basis of physical disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, national origin, or financial status of the family
- Announce the selection criteria to the community in advance of the application and selection process so that all are aware of the standards that will be applied in the selection of recipients
- To the best of their ability be fair and equitable in determining recipients, realizing that not all applicants can be awarded a scholarship despite the quality of their application and the merits of their needs.
The Operating Procedures for the Scholarship Awards Committee
- The President provides the Guidance Department with the Scholarship Application Forms in January.
- By mid-March, the Chairperson enters scholarship notices in the QCN, and Cable TV.
- Students must submit completed applications, containing all required information, to the guidance office by the date specified on the application.
- The Scholarship Chairperson scans each application to ascertain that the form is complete (i.e. telephone number, address, letter of acceptance from college, etc.) and calls the applicant if anything has been left out.
- The Scholarship Chairperson sets a date for the scholarship committee meeting, at which 4 of the 5 voting members must be present, for the purpose of reviewing the applications and selecting the scholarship recipients.
- Late in May, the Scholarship Chairperson contacts the parents of the winners and the Alumni Registrar for reservations and free tickets for the recipients only.
- Only the Alumni President, Treasurer, Registrar and/or Scholarship Chairperson are authorized to handle scholarship monies.
- All scholarship recipients must show proof of college enrollment to the Scholarship Chairperson by Sept 15th so that the Treasurer can make payment to scholarship winners by Oct 1st (as stated in the By Laws).
- The Scholarship Chairperson writes a note of appreciation and thanks for scholarship gifts given in memoriam.
The Scholarship Awards Committee Application Review Process
The Scholarship Chairperson will:
- Conduct the Scholarship Application Review Meeting.
- Provide each Scholarship Committee member with a copy of each application, and collect the copies at the end of the meeting.
- Conduct a vote for each scholarship applicant based on the selections made by the Scholarship Committee members (The Scholarship Chairperson is a non-voting member of the Committee).
- Determine the applicants with the highest vote total from the Committee vote. Conduct a second vote as a tie-breaker, if needed.
Each member of the Scholarship Awards Committee will:
- Read each application.
- Verify that all information is accurate and complete.
- Select applications equal to the number of scholarships to be awarded confidentially from among those submitted.
- Vote for the applicants they selected by secret ballot.
- The Scholarship Chairperson, assisted by the President, will conduct the tally.