At this time, we feel it is in everyone’s best interest to cancel the Camden Alumni Association Annual Banquet for this year. Our desire is for everyone to stay safe & healthy. Plus, with the uncertainties for what the near future holds on public gatherings, it has become nearly impossible to plan future events at this time.
We are still working on the details to award the scholarships to the graduating seniors. We are still hoping to award eight scholarships of $1,000 each this year, and are awaiting the receipt of the scholarship applications from the school system. They have a process in the works for collecting and distributing the various scholarship applications from graduating seniors.
In the coming months, we will be sending out a mailer to our alumni to ask you for your annual membership dues and any scholarship donation you would like to make for this year to help us fund next year’s activities and scholarships. We will greatly appreciate your support at that time. If you wish to make your membership payment and/or a scholarship fund donation now, you can download a printable form by clicking here.
Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time of social distancing and personal seclusion. We feel the sadness for the 5-year reunion classes, especially the Class of 1970, the honored 50-year class for this year, who are unable to celebrate as a group this year. We are looking forward to resuming our Annual Alumni Banquets in June 2021 and hope many of you will join us for future banquets.
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